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RETIREE Registration for September Monthly Meeting/New Member Reception & Wine Tasting

  • 22 Sep 2015
  • 3:00 PM
  • PM HQ
  • 0



This is our New Member Reception and Wine Tasting at HQ. Our speaker will be K.C. Crosthwaite, Vice President & General Manager, Marlboro. He will be presenting the State of the Business. Don't miss it! (Please park in the west parking lot (the one furthest away from Broad St.)

There are 4 options for retirees registering for this event:

If you are a current paid member already registered on our website:

  • You must log into the website to register for the event.

If you are a current paid member never registered on our website:

  • You must register on our website. Click on the New Member Application link in the top navigation bar and complete the application.  Information you enter is only visible to other paid members.
  • Once you receive the email stating your registration has been accepted, you will be able to log into the website to register for the event.

If you are a former member registered on the website, but have NOT paid 2015 dues:

  • You must send in your 2015 dues. Please make out a check to PMARA for your $15.00 2015 dues and mail it to our Treasurer, Lee Gregory. His address is 9701 Stemwell Ct., Richmond, VA 23236. When sending your check, please clearly print your name and address and include it with your check. Also please clearly write your phone number (with area code) and email address (if you have one).
  • Once your dues check is received, you will be able to log into the website and register for the event.

If you are a retiree, never registered on the website:

  • You must register on the website. Click on the New Member Application link in the top navigation bar and complete the application.  Information you enter is only visible to other paid members.  AND
  • You must send in your 2015 dues. Please make out a check to PMARA for your $15.00 2015 dues and mail it to our Treasurer, Lee Gregory. His address is 9701 Stemwell Ct., Richmond, VA 23236. When sending your check, please clearly print your name and address and include it with your check. Also please clearly write your phone number (with area code) and email address (if you have one).
  • Once your dues check is received, you will be able to register for the event.
If you register for this event and find that you are no longer able to attend, please email us ASAP at retireesconnection@gmail.com.  Thanks.
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