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Christmas Luncheon (registration req'd by Dec. 9th)

  • 17 Dec 2013
  • 11:00 AM
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Richmond - Midlothian, 1021 Koger Center Boulevard
Cash Bar - 11:00, Lunch -12:00 noon

If you are a current paid-up member, you are invited to attend (and one guest). Don't forget to bring a new unwrapped toy for the 'Toys for Tots' Program.

  • All reservations must be received by, December 9, 2013. No reservation can be accepted after that date.
  • Make checks payable to PMRA (checks only, no cash.)
  • Mail your check(s) and reservation(s) to: Betty Dillon- 4600 Barkbridge Ct., Chesterfield, VA. 23832 (275-7904)

You can sign up and pay at the November meeting if you want to.

Here is the Registration Form to complete: 

Christmas Luncheon Registration Form

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